
All publications

Drug Screening

hexagone Adult
Drug Screening
Methods - 39(3)
hexagone Larvae
Drug Screening
Pharmacogenetics and genomics - 17(4)
hexagone Larvae
Drug Screening
Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods - 58 (2)
hexagone Larvae
Drug Screening
Journal of pharmacological and toxicological methods - 57(3)
hexagone ZebraFish
Drug Screening
Peter J. Steenbergen, Michael K. Richardson, Danielle L. Champagne - (2011)

The use of the zebrafish model in stress research

Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry - 35 (1432-1451)
hexagone Adult
Drug Screening
Behavioural Brain Research - 437 (15-25)
hexagone Larvae
Drug Screening
Hearing Research - 284 (1-2)
hexagone Larvae
Drug Screening
Neurotoxicology and Teratology - 34 (4)
hexagone Larvae
Drug Screening
Shaukat Ali, Danielle L.Champagne, Michael K.Richardson - (2012)

Behavioral profiling of zebrafish embryos exposed to a panel of 60 water-soluble compounds

Behavioural Brain Research - 228 (2)
hexagone Larvae
Drug Screening
Toxicol Sci - 133 (2)
hexagone Larvae
Drug Screening
Disease Models - 10 (e43-e50)
hexagone Larvae
Drug Screening
Neurotoxicology and Teratology - 66 (8-16)
hexagone Larvae
Drug Screening
Aquatic Toxicology - 194 (167-175)
hexagone Larvae
Drug Screening
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - 263
hexagone Larvae
Drug Screening
Chemosphere - 225 (191-199)
hexagone ZebraFish
Drug Screening
One Earth - 2(4)
hexagone Larvae
Drug Screening
Medicinal Chemistry - 63 (12682-12692)
hexagone Adult
Drug Screening
Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters - 1
hexagone Embryon
Drug Screening
Toxics - 9 (1)
hexagone Embryon
Drug Screening
Journal of Fungi - 7(2)
hexagone Embryon
Drug Screening
Journal of Fungi - 7 (155)
hexagone Larvae
Drug Screening
Journal of Hazardous Materials - 431
hexagone Larvae
Drug Screening
International journal of environmental research and public health - 19(7)
hexagone Embryon
Drug Screening
Toxicology Reports - 9 (951-960)
hexagone Embryon
Drug Screening
Journal of Hazardous Materials
hexagone Larvae
Drug Screening
Toxics - 10(6)
hexagone Larvae
Drug Screening
Ecotoxicologie and Environmental Safety - 231

Brain and Memory

hexagone Larvae
Brain and Memory
Nature 13 (895)

Neurodegenerative diseases

hexagone Larvae
Neurodegenerative diseases
Human molecular genetics - 19 (22)
hexagone Larvae
Neurodegenerative diseases
The Journal of biological chemistry - 287 (5)
hexagone Larvae
Neurodegenerative diseases
Epilepsy & Behavior - 24 (1)
hexagone Larvae
Neurodegenerative diseases
The Journal of biological chemistry et al. - 292 (44)
hexagone Larvae
Neurodegenerative diseases
Neurotoxicology and Teratology - 66 (8-16)
hexagone Larvae
Neurodegenerative diseases
Neurochemistry International - 112 (124-133)
hexagone ZebraFish
Neurodegenerative diseases
Cell - 178 (4)
hexagone Larvae
Neurodegenerative diseases
Molecular neurobiology - 57 (4)
hexagone Larvae
Neurodegenerative diseases
Pharmacological Research - 158 (104865)
hexagone Larvae
Neurodegenerative diseases
Journal of natural products - 83 (12)
hexagone Larvae
hexagone Adult
Neurodegenerative diseases
Nature - Translational Psychiatry 10 - 385
hexagone ZebraFish
Neurodegenerative diseases
Journal of visualized experiments - 176
hexagone Larvae
Neurodegenerative diseases
eNeuro - 8 (5)
hexagone Larvae
Neurodegenerative diseases
Cells - 11(3)
hexagone Larvae
Neurodegenerative diseases
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy et al.
hexagone Larvae
Neurodegenerative diseases
iScience - 25 (3)
hexagone Larvae
Neurodegenerative diseases
Nature - Communications biology 5-464
hexagone Larvae
Neurodegenerative diseases
Nature - Communications biology 5-472

Visual function

hexagone Larvae
Visual function
PNAS - 104 (48)
hexagone Larvae
Visual function
Kaspar P Mueller and Stephan C.F Neuhauss - (2012)

Automated visual choice discrimination learning in zebrafish

Journal of integrative neuroscience - 11 (73-85)
hexagone Larvae
Visual function
Plos - 7 (12)
hexagone Larvae
Visual function
C. Anthony Scott, Autumn N. Marsden, and Diane C. Slusarski - (2016)

Automated, High-throughput, In Vivo Analysis of Visual Function Using the Zebrafish

American Association of Anatomists - 245 (5)
hexagone Larvae
Visual function
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science - 61 (12)
hexagone Larvae
Visual function
Nature - 10 (9538)
hexagone Larvae
Visual function
Nature - 11 (22410)
hexagone Larvae
Visual function
Carolina Beppi, Dominik Straumann and Stefan Yu Bögli - (2021)

A model‑based quantifcation of startle refex habituation in larval zebrafsh

Nature - 11 (846)
hexagone Larvae
Visual function
C. Anthony Scott, Autumn N. Marsden, and Diane C. Slusarski - (2022)

Automated, High-throughput, In Vivo Analysisof Visual Function Using the Zebrafish

Developmental Dynamics - 245 (605-613)


hexagone Adult
PNAS - 106 (21942-21947)
hexagone Larvae
Louis C Leung et al. - (2019)

Neural signatures of sleep in zebrafish

Nature - 019 (198-204)
hexagone Larvae
BioRxiv - 11
hexagone Larvae
Lee, D. A., Oikonomou, G., & Prober, D. A - (2022)

Large-scale Analysis of Sleep in Zebrafish

Bio-protocol - 12(3)


hexagone Larvae
VU University - IVM Institute for Environmental Studies
hexagone Larvae
Science of the Total Environment - 731 (139187)
hexagone ZebraFish
Nature - 577 (370-375)
hexagone Larvae
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules - 165 (1783-1792)
hexagone Larvae
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety - 201
hexagone Larvae
Environmental science & technology - 54 (22)
hexagone Larvae
Chemosphere - 259 (127437)
hexagone Larvae
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety - 207 (111523)
hexagone Larvae
Ecotoxicoly and Environmental Safety - 210 (111868)
hexagone Larvae
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety - 225
hexagone Larvae
Environmental Advances - 8 (100208)
hexagone Larvae
Environment International - 154 (107263)
hexagone Embryon
Chemosphere - 295 (133863)
hexagone Larvae
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety - 244 (114044)
hexagone Larvae
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety - 232 (113287)

Affective behavior

hexagone Larvae
Affective behavior
Environmental Biology of Fishes - 105 (714-751)


hexagone Larvae
Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods - 118
hexagone Embryon
Chemical biology & drug design - 85 (3)
hexagone Larvae
Frontiers in Pharmacology - 10 (893)
hexagone Embryon
Aquatic Toxicology - 209 (34-41)

Auditory function

hexagone Larvae
Auditory function
Neurotoxicology and Teratology - 66 (1-7)
hexagone Larvae
Auditory function
Journal of Neuroscience - 40 (23)
hexagone Embryon
hexagone Larvae
Auditory function
Human Genetics - 140 (915-931)
hexagone Larvae
Auditory function
Carolina Beppi , Dominik Straumann and Stefan Yu Bögli - (2021)

A model‑based quantifcation of startle reflex habituation in larval zebrafsh

Nature - 841
hexagone Larvae
Auditory function
Plos One - 17 (5)

Genetic/ rare diseases

hexagone Larvae
Genetic/ rare diseases
International Journal of Molecular Sciences - 22 (24)
hexagone Larvae
Genetic/ rare diseases
Neurochemical Research - 46 (2249-2261)
hexagone Larvae
Genetic/ rare diseases
Cells - 11 (3)
hexagone Larvae
Genetic/ rare diseases
Biomedicines - 10 (4)
hexagone Larvae
Genetic/ rare diseases
Cells - 11 (8)

Anxiety-like behavior

hexagone Larvae
hexagone Adult
Anxiety-like behavior
Pharmacol Biochem Behav. - 157 (1-8)
hexagone Larvae
Anxiety-like behavior
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology 264 (109501)
hexagone Larvae
Anxiety-like behavior
Brain Research Bulletin - 165 (139-145)
hexagone Larvae
Anxiety-like behavior
International Journal of Molecular Sciences - 22 (4)


hexagone Adult
Physiology & behavior - 95 (36-47)
hexagone Adult
Marcos A. Lopez-Patino et al. - (2008)

Anxiogenic effects of cocaine withdrawal in zebrafish

Phydiology & Behavior - 93 (160-171)

Agressive behavior

hexagone Adult
Agressive behavior
The official journal of the Society for Neuroscience - 31 (39)
hexagone Adult
Agressive behavior
Current biology - 23 (1)
hexagone Larvae
Agressive behavior
Neurotoxicology and teratology - 66 (8-16)
hexagone Larvae
Agressive behavior
European Neuropsychopharmacology - 30 (17-29)
hexagone Adult
Agressive behavior
Journal of the European Aquaculture Society - 29 (6)

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