Zebrafish Optokinetic response OKR
Optokinetic response tests are commonly performed when screening visual acuity in disease models of zebrafish and are of critical importance to help finding new treatments for visual deficiencies. Tracking of zebrafish oculomotor performance is generally done using standard handmade OKR drums that lack the possibility to automatically change the stimulus during the experiment, thereby producing misleading results because of the user intervention. To this, the VisioBox technology meets the challenges of zebrafish vision science with precise automation, robust data and a steady zebrafish tracking tool. The VisioBox system also allows to perform OMR - Optomotor Response test on adult zebrafish for visual acuity assessment.
Enjoy a smooth, controllable and flexible tracking process
Visual system performance is assessed on the basis of the OptoKinetic Response, which involves reflexive slow stimulus following eye movements alternated with rapid resetting saccades. Assessing visual function in zebrafish larvae should be a smooth, controllable and flexible process allowing you to identify the slightest zebrafish visual defect thanks to:
- a full control and adaptability of the zebrafish environment and behavioral response
- tracking of visual acuity and contrast intensity thanks to an automated software for eyes detection
- the opportunity to adapt the environment to the subject’s behavioral response ( color, light intensity, speed, stripes thickness)
- differentiation of eyes Slow Phase Velocity (SPV) and Fast Phase Velocity (FVP) and angles.
We recently released our new VisioBox for larvae with a flexible screen to improve the contrast, a more compact camera, and plate holder handlings to ease the daily routine. After years of collaboration we are glad to match all your expectations for accuracy, robustness, user fluidity, and data analysis. The OKR Larvae is versatile enough to be converted as an OMR for adults.

From zebrafish Optokinetic response to zebrafish Optomotor Response
OptoMotor response (OMR) is a reflex behavior observed when an animal naturally follows a rotating grating around it. It has been widely used to assess the visual functions of zebrafish. However, the standard protocol for larval fish is not yet applicable in adult zebrafish. Rather than monitoring only the eye movement, the swimming direction will be monitored. If the fish responds to a rotating stimulus by swimming equal amounts of time clockwise or counter clockwise, they would be scored as not detecting the stimulus. If they spend most of their time swimming in the same direction as the stimulus, they detect it. The grating size could be adjusted to determine threshold detection.

Track several behavioral zebrafish endpoints
Our in depth knowledge and constant innovation in video-tracking has made possible the measurement of a variety of locomotion output you could track in live with zebrafish tracking software ZebraLab. Measurements include:
- Distance traveled into different types of speed ( Small/ Middle/ Large) defined by the user
- Position (X; Y) and trajectory
- Time spent in each Area (unlimited number of areas)
- Entry count in each area of interest
- Counting for each state (very small movement, small movement, ambulatory movement
- Time duration in each state ( small/ Middle / Large speed)
- Transition count of the states
- Distance swum by the animal in each state
- Full path of the animal throughout the test
- Clockwise/Counterclockwise rotation count
- Path Angle Histograms (change in moving direction between analyzed position)
- Behavior classification with eight different class of angles*
- User defined class angle
- Data analysis in real time

These capabilities will help your laboratory achieve outstanding results
Intuitive protocol creation
Define a specific environment projected around the Zebrafish using ZebraLab software: Projection of a light source in front of the Zebrafish, monitoring of the visual response of the fish / Full control and adaptability of the zebrafish's environment (stripe colors, number of stripes, rotating speed, half mask…) / Adapt the environment to the subject's behavioral responses / Neutral density filters available.
Automatic Eyes Detection on multiple fish
You don’t have to worry on how to draw the area of interest on the Zebrafish Eyes. Our software is now able to perform automatic eyes recognition and will ensure the best analysis on multiple subjects.
Versatile and Evolutive tool
Visiobox can be upgraded to run OMR response on adult Zebrafish. Indeed you just have to switch the camera mode to tracking Zebrafish Position while we display black and white stripes. Please check the adult OMR add on.
Post experiment data analysis software
Adjust your threshold to make sure to analyze the fast phase velocity and low phase velocity on our Phy Visualize software.
New flexible screen system
Back in the day in 2008, we used Video Projector to display black and white stripes in the drum, with different colors. Technology has evolved and gives us more possibilities for our research goal. We now have an optimal contrast, and more pixels are displayed for better resolutions.
Compact and Robust machine
The footprint has been reduced by 50%. Just drop the machine on the bench and launch the analysis.
Run multiple vision tests
Viewpoint is supplying a state of the art hardware in the vision field. Well adapted for embryos (PMR test), larvae (OMR & OKR) and adults (OMR Test). An OKR for adults is actually at the R&D stage, would you be interested in it?

All you need in one document

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Do not hesitate to request more information on this system. One of our sales managers will contact you shortly .