Automated Highthroughput Zebrafish Behavior screening - ZebraBox

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points icon Fish and other species behavior research: videotracking for larvae and embryos

The first-ever observation chamber for zebrafish larvae behavior analysis and behavior analysis of embryos, medaka or other related species, fathead minnow larvae, etc since 2002. Since then, backed by renowned zebrafish researchers, the ZebraBox technology has kept evolving whilst taking into account the challenges of science.

To date, the close collaboration and development with zebrafish researchers have made ZebraBox a recognized tool for a vast number of research applications including safety pharmacology, toxicology, ecotoxicology, drug screening and drug development, behavioral genetics, ethology, muscle disorder, rare diseases, seizures, cytotoxicity, light response, vision tests…

Bundle ZebraBox + ZebraLab

The ZebraBox is a component of ZebraLab and allows the high throughput analysis of larvae and embryos of zebrafish or related species. For embryos, a higher resolution camera is provided for live analysis and video replay. This bundle ensures repeatability and reproducibility of your data. Check out ZebraLab software and add-ons.

bg_support points icon Bundle ZebraBox + ZebraLab

Zebrafish tracking : analyze up to 288 larvae in live

Behavioral assessment (locomotion and activity quantization) on zebrafish is a challenge when imaging zebrafish activity in detail. This is even more the case when working with different fishes. That is an easy task for the ZebraBox, which is capable of analyzing 6,12, 24 or 96 larvae in multi-well plates. The plate holder maintains the micro well plates at the exact same position. By connecting up to 4 ZebraBox, you can even analyze up to 288 individuals simultaneously in real time. 

bg_support points icon Zebrafish tracking : analyze up to 288 larvae in live

Intuitive & precise lecture for your zebrafish behavior activity

Intuitive interface to set up your protocol.

A clear visualization of your zebrafish analysis results is a must have. ZebraBox high throughput system allows you to benefit from a detailed and finest detection of the zebrafish larvae or embryos. Check your results at a glance with our intuitive heatmaps !

bg_support points icon Intuitive & precise lecture for your zebrafish behavior activity

Wide range of stimulus for your zebrafish behavior research

The 5 senses send information to the brain to help us in understanding and perceiving the world. Backed by scientists from different fields, ViewPoint developed stimulus among 3 of the different senses and keep working hard to answer the new needs :

  • Visual sense : PhotoMotorResponse, Optogenetic, Visual Motor Response, Visual Screen (OMR and place preference), OptoKinetic Response

  • Auditory sense : sound stimuli

Check out our ZebraBox Hardware Adds-Ons to explore the full range of stimuli.

bg_support points icon Wide range of stimulus for your zebrafish behavior research

The ZebraBox has been the first zebrafish tracking system to be commercialized. We developed 4 versions of the ZebraBox, pushing the limits, with the most innovative technologies. Our goal is always to improve automation tools with the minimum configuration, balanced with a high level of customization. Find the protocol of the most famous scientist in the world and replicate it on your own ZebraBox.

  • Visual sense: PhotoMotorResponse, Optogenetic, Visual Motor Response, Visual Screen (OMR and place preference), OptoKinetic Response

  • Auditory sense: sound/vibration stimuli

Check out our ZebraBox Hardware Adds-Ons to explore the full range of stimuli.

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points icon These capabilities will help your laboratory achieve outstanding results

Distortion-free image into each well

With our technology using mirrors, the subjects are in direct observation, avoiding distortion and heating up issues as other systems do. Our robust system has been designed to get the most accurate and sharpest image possible, from well to well.

Live analysis for time saving experiment

Tracking is better when offering the possibility to record your experiment live when your organisms are ready to be monitored. The ZebraBox system allows you to analyze up to 288 individuals simultaneously. We also give the opportunity to record the experiment (avi format video) to make you able to re-analyze the video. It can be pertinent to analyze the raw file with different parameters or to have an experiment back up in case of the live tracking parameter were wrongly set by a user. Your organisms are never tracked in vain. 

Total control of the experiment

Controlling the environmental conditions is key to success. The ZebraBox is made of a special alloy which restricts external sounds from disturbing the analyzed subjects. Controlling and repeating specific conditions (light/sound/number of plates) has never been easier.

Intelligent video management

Our software ZebraLab will generate different output files, trajectory pictures, raw data (x;y coordinates for each animal, for each image), and of course a video. We are using a low compression rate, to give you the best quality as possible if you need to score manually or even replay it into our software. This compression ratio is flexible and can be adjusted to your needs! Additional storage is available on demand.


Smart lighting management

Animal movement tracking reliability is the main purpose of our equipment. Our InfraRed backlight allows us to perfectly detect movements on embryos/larvae or adults with the most respectful wavelength.

Reliable and adaptable camera

Viewpoint keeps improving its technology giving you access to the best high quality camera according to your application. We offer a wide range of setups from 30 fps to 1000 fps with different resolutions to fit exactly your expectations.

Tracking animal activity

Viewpoint offers both solutions, a general activity based on pixel changes and a tracking and detection of the gravity center of each animal frame to frame. Those methods are the most accurate on the market.

Thermal regulation management

Thanks to our unique design, the ZebraBox does not heat the temperature inside the micro-plate. Temperature control unit is not required for a short term assays. Our system keeps an optimal environment inside the box, without warming up the microplate or getting humidity or steam.  We encourage our researchers to consider the temperature control for a long term experiment and if the room conditions are far from the Zebrafish lifestyle conditions. A thermal regulation stimuli option has been developed in order to assess the behavioral response after a temperature change (cooling/heating shock) or simply to maintain a desired temperature. Thermal change sequences can be directly controlled via our ZebraLab software.

Trusted by the world's most prominent researchers

Currently hundreds of laboratories have trusted their data to ZebraBox for their zebrafish behavior research. Backed by decades of proven engineering, renowned researchers have been using it in all sorts of behavioral applications demanding high reliability.

We offer a wide range of add-ons developed specifically with researchers focused on a particular field and keep on upgrading our solutions.

The ZebraBox has been the first zebrafish tracking system to be commercialized. We developed 4 versions of the ZebraBox, pushing the limits, with the most innovative technologies.  Our goal is always to improve automation tools with the minimum configuration, balanced with a high level of customization. Find the protocol of the most famous scientist in the world and replicate it on your own ZebraBox.

Wide range of stimulation modules

Our ZebraBox offers a wide range of stimulations modules : sound stimulation, optogenetic top light, visual screen and may others. Our ZebraBox design and technical specificities gives us the possibility to adapt, create new stimulation modules based on user requests and expectations. 

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Isolation chamber

Isolation chamber

Made with robust steel and flattened with Polyurethane foam, the acoustic ZebraBox reduces environmental sound.

Optogenetics TopLight

Optogenetics TopLight

Use light to modulate molecular events in a targeted manner in living organisms by activating or inhibiting the activity of specific neurons area.

Screen stimulation (color place preference/ OMR)

Screen stimulation (color place preference/ OMR)

The screen is placed underneath the microwell plate.

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Social Contact - Aquatic species

Social Contact - Aquatic species

Social contact between 2 individuals is measured using a variety of factors:

  • Contacts
  • Distance
  • Proximity
  • Angle
  • Lateral displacement 




Analysis of a school of fish through several factors:

  • Distance between individuals
  • Distance between an individual and its nearest neighbor
  • Polarization


Place Preference

Place Preference

Quantify zebrafish anxiety-like behavior: 
Measurement of fish aversion to bright areas and natural preference for the dark or other color.


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hexagone ZebraFish
Visual function
C. Anthony Scott, Autumn N. Marsden, and Diane C. Slusarski - (2022)

Automated, High-throughput, In Vivo Analysisof Visual Function Using the Zebrafish

Developmental Dynamics - 245 (605-613)
hexagone ZebraFish
Neurodegenerative diseases
Nature - Communications biology 5-464
hexagone ZebraFish
Neurodegenerative diseases
Nature - Communications biology 5-472
Information request

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Zebrabox - High troughput screening 1
Zebrabox - High troughput screening 1
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