PHP Translation

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en Default locale
en Fallback locale


Defined 34

These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.

Locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview Actions
en messages 2 navbar.language.en English Edit | Sync
en messages 2 navbar.home Home Edit | Sync
en messages 2 navbar.products Products Edit | Sync
en messages 2 navbar.about About us Edit | Sync
en messages 2 navbar.publications Publications Edit | Sync
en messages 2 navbar.posts Blog Edit | Sync
en messages 2 Support Edit | Sync
en messages 2 Contact us Edit | Sync
en messages 3 See all products Edit | Sync
en messages 1 landing.categories.title Select your model organism for specific behavioral analysis solutions Edit | Sync
en messages 1 landing.categories.intro Keep the behavior of your model organism under close observation with multi purpose devices and tracking applications including: novel object recognition, learning and memory, operant conditioning, social novelty, passive avoidance, behavioral seizure, startle reflex, fear conditioning, drug testing, etc. Edit | Sync
en messages 1 newsletter.title Newsletter Edit | Sync
en messages 1 newsletter.intro To not miss any news from ViewPoint, subscribe to the newsletter and receive once a month our articles, our exclusive publications… Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Your name Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Your email Edit | Sync
en messages 1 newsletter.btn Submit Edit | Sync
en messages 1 contact_type.condition_label I accept the <a href='/legal-notice' target='_blank' class="c-9EACC6 c-9EACC6-h tdl-underline tdl-underline-h">privacy policy</a>* Edit | Sync
en messages 1 footer.moreInformations Do you need more information? Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Contact us Edit | Sync
en messages 1 footer.logo.cities Europe // Lyon // France Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Contact Edit | Sync
en messages 1 footer.america.cities America // Montréal // Canada Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Asia // Shanghai // China Edit | Sync
en messages 1 footer.title.about About Edit | Sync
en messages 1 footer.about About us Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Blog Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Support Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Contact Edit | Sync
en messages 1 footer.title.products Products Edit | Sync
en messages 1 footer.copyright Tous droits réservés © 2025. ViewPoint. Fait avec <i class="fa fa-heart c-9DC771"></i> par l’agence <a href="" class="c-9EACC6 c-white-h" target="_blank">ASB Digital</a> Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Legal Notice Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Sitemap Edit | Sync

Fallback 0

These messages are not available for the given locale but Symfony found them in the fallback locale catalog.

No fallback translation messages were used.

Missing 0

These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.

There are no messages of this category.