PHP Translation

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en Default locale
en Fallback locale


  • Defined 59
  • Fallback 0
  • Missing 0

These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.

Locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview Actions
en messages 2 navbar.language.en English Edit | Sync
en messages 2 navbar.home Home Edit | Sync
en messages 2 navbar.products Products Edit | Sync
en messages 2 navbar.about About us Edit | Sync
en messages 2 navbar.publications Publications Edit | Sync
en messages 2 navbar.posts Blog Edit | Sync
en messages 2 Support Edit | Sync
en messages 2 Contact us Edit | Sync
en messages 3 See all products Edit | Sync
en messages 2 hardware.title Hardware Edit | Sync
en messages 1 product.sticky.about General presentation Edit | Sync
en messages 1 product.sticky.features Key features Edit | Sync
en messages 1 product.sticky.hardware Hardware Add-ons Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Software Add-ons Edit | Sync
en messages 1 product.sticky.brochure Brochure(s) Edit | Sync
en messages 1 product.sticky.publications Publications Edit | Sync
en messages 1 product.sticky.medias Medias Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Related solutions Edit | Sync
en messages 1 product.features.surTitle KEY FEATURES Edit | Sync
en messages 1 product.features.title These capabilities will help your laboratory achieve outstanding results Edit | Sync
en messages 1 product.hardwareAddon.surTitle HARDWARE ADD-ONS Edit | Sync
en messages 8 addon.readmore.btn Read more Edit | Sync
en messages 1 product.softwareAddon.surTitle SOFTWARE ADD-ONS Edit | Sync
en messages 1 product.brochure.surTitle Brochures Edit | Sync
en messages 1 product.brochure.title All you need in one document Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Download the brochure Edit | Sync
en messages 1 product.publications.surTitle Publications Edit | Sync
en messages 1 product.publications.title Review worldwide scientific papers using our tracking systems Edit | Sync
en messages 1 product.publications.btn See all publications of Edit | Sync
en messages 1 product.informations.surTitle Information request Edit | Sync
en messages 1 product.informations.title Interested in this solution? Edit | Sync
en messages 1 product.informations.intro Do not hesitate to request more information on this system. One of our sales managers will contact you shortly . Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Contact us Edit | Sync
en messages 1 product.productMedia.surTitle Medias Edit | Sync
en messages 1 product.subCategory.title You may also be interested in Edit | Sync
en messages 1 software.title Software Edit | Sync
en messages 1 newsletter.title Newsletter Edit | Sync
en messages 1 newsletter.intro To not miss any news from ViewPoint, subscribe to the newsletter and receive once a month our articles, our exclusive publications… Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Your name Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Your email Edit | Sync
en messages 1 newsletter.btn Submit Edit | Sync
en messages 1 contact_type.condition_label I accept the <a href='/legal-notice' target='_blank' class="c-9EACC6 c-9EACC6-h tdl-underline tdl-underline-h">privacy policy</a>* Edit | Sync
en messages 1 footer.moreInformations Do you need more information? Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Contact us Edit | Sync
en messages 1 footer.logo.cities Europe // Lyon // France Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Contact Edit | Sync
en messages 1 footer.america.cities America // Montréal // Canada Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Asia // Shanghai // China Edit | Sync
en messages 1 footer.title.about About Edit | Sync
en messages 1 footer.about About us Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Blog Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Support Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Contact Edit | Sync
en messages 1 footer.title.products Products Edit | Sync
en messages 1 footer.copyright Tous droits réservés © 2024. ViewPoint. Fait avec <i class="fa fa-heart c-9DC771"></i> par l’agence <a href="" class="c-9EACC6 c-white-h" target="_blank">ASB Digital</a> Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Legal Notice Edit | Sync
en messages 1 Sitemap Edit | Sync