<div class="posts justify-content-center-sm row mat-40 {% if (landing is defined and landing) or(postDetail is defined and postDetail) %} list-container {% endif %}">
{% for key, post in posts %}
<div data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-duration="800" data-aos-delay="{{ (loop.index0)*200 }}"
class="post {{ (landing is defined and landing) ? 'o-60 o-100-h' }} {% if (landing is defined and landing) or(postDetail is defined and postDetail) %} col-lg-4 {% else %} col-lg-4 col-sm-6 col-10 {% endif %} mab-75 animate-link"
<div class="bloc-white overflow-hidden">
<img src="{{ asset(vich_uploader_asset(post, 'postFile')) }}"
alt="{{ post.title }}" class="img-fit he-320-xl he-280-lg he-220 w-100"/>
<div class="pa-43-xl pa-43-lg pa-20-md pa-15 bgc-white">
{% if post.postCategory %}
<div class='c-9DC771 text-uppercase fs-13 fw-500 mab-15'>
{{ post.postCategory.title }}
{% endif %}
{% set hTag = (((landing is defined and landing) or(postDetail is defined and postDetail)) ? "h4" : "h3") %}
<{{ hTag }} class="may-8 fs-18 fw-600 lh2-15 title-post">
<a href="{{ path('front_post', {'slug':post.slug}) }}" class="c-204A9A c-204A9A-h">
{{ post.title }}
</{{ hTag }}>
<div class="content-post c-2C3E73 fs-14">
{{ post.introRaw|length > 150 ? post.introRaw|slice(0, 150) ~ '...' : post.introRaw }}
{% endfor %}